Tag: users

  • Affiliates need approval but not normal customers, is this possible?

    Hi I’ve allowed affiliate registration in the settings but every time someone orders and wants to make an account on the site, it is set to pending, even if they are just a new customer and not a new affiliate. Thanks for any help!

  • Unable to import users

    I have my file set up properly, I believe, it even tells me that it recognizes the column declaration found on line 1, but it spits back the whole list and wont import–saying that a valid email is not found. Here’s a sample of the error, the file isn’t long, maybe 15 names. I have…

  • Existing WP users cannot register as affiliates using the same email address

    Imagine this scenario: User creates an account via WooCommerce during checkout and it’s added to wp_users table as normal. Then decides to register as a customer and cannot use the same email address as it’s already taken because affiliate users are also stored in the same wp_users table. I cannot find the way to enable…

  • function Get_Groups


    Hi, I couldn’t find the correct groups topic, so I’ll post it here. Is there a function like get_pages($args) ? I need : – an array of all the groups created on the site – an array of all the users related to a group I’m looking through your API pages : http://api.itthinx.com/groups/ but I…
