Tag: username

  • Generated Affliates Page Disappears and is replaced by Random Username



    Hi, I recently went live with my affiliates page, and all seemed to be going great until someone said the link i had provided to my page did not work. Having investigated i found that the generated page i had linked to the page in my website “affiliate area” was no longer linked and i…

  • Can I display Affiliates by username instead of affiliates by id



    I have been using the short-code: [affiliates_by_username] and it doesn’t work as it doesn’t display anything is blank. Is there a way that I can display this to the user, instead of the id? Regards,

  • Updating permalinks



    Hi there, first up, congrats on the affiliates plugin! Amazing piece of work 🙂 I just bought the affiliates by username plugin, I also changed the affiliate URL parameter name. CAUTION: If you change this setting and have distributed affiliate links or permalinks, make sure that these are updated. I feel really stupid for asking…

  • Affiliates by username don’t work



    Hi. I’ve purchased the Affiliates by Username. Before I install the plugin, the affiliate and referral is working fine. However, after I’ve install and activate the plugin, the referral doesn’t show in the Referrals page. All of them is showing Direct affiliate. I want to use this affiliate and referral for two things: – when…

  • Username not working



    We installed the username plugin but it is not appending the username to the affiliate share plugin – it is still showing the ID instead of the username. Also when you share the url for the appended username link it is not registering it as a hit but it is registering it as a hit…
