Tag: user

  • Affiliates Permanent unexpected behavior

    Hi! When Affiliates Permanent are aneabled, the default Affiliate Relations are not made. Ex. When I access the “Manage Affiliates” section, the Affiliate Relations are empty. Thanks! Daniel

  • Affiliate Payout / Withdraw Funds


    Do you have a way for me to allow the user to withdraw their money themselves? If so, please be specific with what I must do. I hope this is a feature because it is so very basic principal of this type of program but I am not able to locate any information on it.…

  • Affiliates Users addon question

    Hi There, This question is about “Affiliates Users”. I couldn’t see a separate forum for it so posting it here. Feel free to move this topic around. Now, we purchased this addon to convert current and future users to affiliate users. We have 12000+ registered users. (of course, not all are active). But when we…

  • user roles for affiliates

    Hi, is it possible with affiliate users to assign user roles? if affiliates had a user role it would be easier (amongst many other possibilities) to customise the affiliate area with sidebars and such.. Solved: actually solved this already with following free plugins: custom user roles and sidebar per role..
