Tag: user

  • How to have my users be able to receive a email verification for being able to register an account

    Now I am just trying to be able to have my users be able to receive a email verification for being able to register an account. No email is arriving in their inboxes. Do you know how to solve this issue?

  • Unable to add a Group to the User Edit screen

    The text input where the Groups section can be located and added to the User’s Profile on the User Edit screen is only 10px wide, and it doesn’t function. I’ve also looked at the source code of my page and it’s pulling the selectize script and CSS from jsdelivr and there’s no indication it’s being…

  • Groups/Groups Forums Compatibility with Caching Solutions


    Awesome set of plugins! Thank you for all the great work! I’m hoping to get some advice about using plugins from the Groups ecosystem with server-side caching solutions. Our hosting provider (SiteGround) offers three “levels” of caching to help speed up site performance–static, dynamic and memcached. Over the past few weeks, we’ve seen instances where…

  • New affiliate must accept Terms and Conditions

    Hello, I noticed that you missed a key feature, when a new affiliate register i would like to force them to accept Terms and Conditions prior to press “Register”. Maybe this feature is there but i dont know how to activate it. Any help would be appreciated. Have a nice day!

  • Add ‘usage_limit_per_user’ option

    Hi guys, We’re trying to use Affiliates Coupons to generate a coupon for our affiliates that they can give out to potential customers. We want the coupons to be used an infinite amount of time, but only once per user. We’ve tried to add it but the option is not saving the value. Could you…

  • create second user role “affiliate”

    i can sent role based email campagnes with my email tool. i resinstalle affilistes 2.8 but i do not install/create a new user role “affiliate”. How could a userrole for affiliates beeing created and asigned to user?

  • Two notification emails are being sent to the affiliate

    I’m having an issue that when a user registers with the site it is sending out two notification emails to the affiliate. I’m am using a registration function and integrating with Contact Form 7 using the following script in my theme functions.php WordPress Contact Form 7 user registration One email shows the token fields with…

  • Affiliate Pro with s2member Integration

    I have a registration page created by s2member (User Registration), but I realized that it is not automatically added as Affiliate User. After logged in, the user still has to sign up as an affiliate user. Is there a way that I can register the affiliate account automatically after user registration?

  • Can attach buyer and affiliate for lifetime

    Hi, I want to attach buyer to specific affiliate for lifetime. Right now i think its working with cookie. What i understand is if user clear cookie or place order from other system than commission will not go to previous affiliate. Is there any options or add on that do this? Once user visit our…
