Tag: update

  • Cannot update Affiliates woocommerce integration

    have a valid service key installed. Cannot update plugin; says automatic update unavailable. So, for what’s the service key? why do we have to update manually plugins?

  • itthinx updates not working

    An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WordPress.org or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums. That is what I get when trying to install. Help.

  • I cant update Affiliates Pro to 2.6.0

    Hi, I cant update the plugin. http://screencast.com/t/9QENWYbwBG Error while checking for update. Can’t reach update server. Message: Missing plugin version! Please help me. Thank you. – Hazli

  • Plugin update

    Hi, I purchased Affiliates Enterprise and now need to update both Affiliates Enterprise and Affiliates WooCommerce Integration. When I click on Update Plugin I keep getting the messages: Updating Plugin Affiliates Enterprise (1/4) An error occurred while updating Affiliates Enterprise: Update package not available. Updating Plugin Affiliates WooCommerce Integration (2/4) An error occurred while updating…

  • 2.5 update causing errors

    Greetings, I’m updating to Enterprise 2.5 and I get the following error: Warning: include_once((path)/wp-content/plugins/affiliates-enterprise//lib/core/class-affiliates-dashboard-widget.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in (path)/public_html/wp-content/plugins/affiliates-enterprise/lib/core/wp-init.php on line 1178 Please advise. Thx.

  • Change log


    I received an update notice in wordpress dashboard BUT there is nothing about change log or what the update is for. Where can I find this information???

  • Wunderslider won’t automatically update

    Hi. It looks like there’s an update for the premium version of Wunderslider but it won’t update automatically. Can you tell me how to get the latest version? Thanks!

  • Installing update

    I’ve downloaded the latest version of the plugin from the Downloads folder. The instructions say ‘If you are using Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise, proceed as if you were installing the plugin as outlined in Installing Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise.’ I follow these instructions and receive the error message ‘Destination folder already exists.’ Do…

  • WordPress is not automatic updating

    How can I fix that? I bought one single license but not being able to update to 2.4 version. Thank you!

  • Affiliates WooCommerce Integration Update Error

    The Auto Update for the WooCommerce Integration plugin for Affiliates Pro keeps showing the following error: An error occurred while updating Affiliates WooCommerce Integration: Update package not available.. I am updating everything else without any issues on my blog, but this problem has been persistent since the Update Nag was first seen. Please fix this.…
