Tag: translation

  • Problem not solved but Ticket closed!

    Hi George, hi Kento, both tickets are closed and the problems are not resolved. As a paying customer, I expect obvious errors to be resolved. What exactly is the problem? Why are the tickets closed without a solution? Bets regards Guido Problem with changing referring affiliates Registration/Custom fields translation

  • Registration/Custom fields translation

    Hi. Hello, translated affiliate into different languages. So the .po files completely adapted. We use WPML for multilingualism. We have created additional custom fields for the affiliate registration. How can the field labels be translated?

  • Translation doubt

    Hey! I have checked the documentation on Affiliates Pro > translations and I believe I’m a little lost. I was able to access … plugins/affiliates-pro/lib/core/languages and there I found both “affiliates-PT-PT. PO” and “affiliates-PT-PT. Mo”, same thing in… plugins/affiliates-pro/lib/ext/languages, from what I’ve read on the documentation I needed to add the translated files in both…

  • .pot configuration of Affiliates Enterprise not working properly with Loco Translate


    Hi itthinx-team! Looking into the translation files of Affiliates Enterprise, I found affiliates-de_DE.po 3 times and also affiliates-de_DE_formal.po 3 times. . Each twice with 100% translation progress, and each once with 75% translation progress. There have also been three .pot files installed called: affiliates-enterprise.pot (contains 5 strings only) affiliates.pot affiliates-pro.pot Loco Translate did not find…

  • Translate identifiers of [affiliates_fields] – form

    Dear Team, I want to translate the identifiers of the – form. I have set up the affiliates registration form in Settings->Registration in German language and now, whenever I use the – shortcode in translated pages, e.g. English, I get the German identifiers for “Username”, “Password”, “First Name”, “Family Name”, etc. Can you pls. give…

  • affiliates_earnings shortcode month translation

    Hi, Is there a way to translate the months in the table that affiliates_earnings shortcode outputs (January, February…)? I couldn’t find any months to translate in .po files. I’m using Affiliates Enterprise ver 2.7.1.

  • Translation fails, Consistent customers

    Hey there, 1. I´ve sent you a question 2 days ago and I really need an answer before I upgrade to enterprise. If I open your .pot file for affiliate pro 2.7.1, I can´t find all the english words that you are use in your shortcode-outputs. So I can´t translate them into another language To…

  • Translation for the shortcodes generated text

    Hey there.. Affiliate Pro 2.7.1 I´ve started translating with poedit using your .pot file. I´ve used your generate button in options before to generate the affiliate area, but it´s not possible for me to find the text-output from the shortcodes inside poedit. I´ve read your readme on github and I downloaded your language-master package. Examples…


    there are two words (“Month” y “Earnings”), I cant find on the language plugin or .po … it is on the code and can’t translate without touching the code…

  • How to add a Chinese language pack to change the software language to Chinese ?


    I am your Chinese clients. I want to add a Chinese language pack for this software. Which files can I change ? What shall I do ? Thank you !

  • Errors in .po file – Spanish translation

    Hi! I bought and installed Affiliates Pro s2Member Integration Pack. Everything is working fine so far, but I have problems translating it to Spanish. Some translations are missing (e.g. “Please fill in the required information in your profile first.”), and when I try to edit and save the .po file several errors appear. The message…

  • Translation of fields in the form

    Hello. I need to change the translation of the User field label to include something like “Usuario (término de 8 a 12 letras).” I also need to change the button label form (Sign up). Where I have to make changes? I have tried to do in the translations file included in the plugin but I…

  • Localization

    Hi, I want to translate the plugin into German. Could you provide me the .pot file? Thank you, Patrick
