Tag: the events calendar

  • Incompatibility with The Events Calendar plugin

    hi guys, I just bought your plugin for Gravity Forms. If I activate Groups and Groups Gravity Forms the pages of my site that use The Events Calendar, lose the header. I use Avada. Thanks in advance! Kind regards, Raquel.

  • The Events Calendar – Shows Events that it should not

    Hi there, I hope you can help. I have used Restrict Categories on this but it happens on the standard Groups plugin too. I have two groups – Lead and Partner – Lead can see Partner events, Partner cannot see Lead Events. If I log in as Lead and go to the main events calendar…

  • Widgets Control Pro conflict


    Hello, We have several sites with both The Event Calendar Pro and the Widgets Control Pro plugins enabled and in use. Unfortunately when we try to customize a page that has an Event Calendar widget visible we get 2 javascript errors caused by a javascript variable on the page being equal to nothing. the variable…

  • plugin fileds don’t show up in custom post type category

    hello, i’m using groups restrict categories with “the events calendar plugin”. This calendar plugin seems to use the wordpress custom post type to manage the events and events category. In the events category page i can’t see the plugin fields. I’ve checked in the plugin settings page and the events category is in the list…
