Tag: shortcode

  • Differentiate different “Sale” referrals

    Hi guys, We’re improving the Affiliate Stats shortcode and we would like to differentiate different type of “sale” referrals. To be more precise, we’d like to add something in the [data] key of the variable $IXAP15 (in “class-affiliates-affiliate-stats-renderer-wordpress.php”) when the referral was made through a permanent association. Currently, there are no information I can use…

  • Changing “Post” and “Detail” information

    Hi guys, We’d like to alter the information displayed by the “Detailed Referral Overview” shortcode However, we’re not too sure how to do that. For example, the “post” column is populated by links with wrong URLs so they forward the user to nothing : Protected: Order – January 7, 2016 @ 02:55 PM —-> http://nationhats.staging.wpengine.com/?post_type=shop_order&p=12020…

  • jQuery Error

    Hi there, We recently have a jQuery error that crashes the entire “My-Account” page, the problem goes away when we deactivate Affiliate Enterprise. We have not altered any core files. I was editing the page with Visual Composer when I noticed a few things were wrong with the page. It seems to be related to…

  • Shortcode not working

    Hello, I’m have attempted to use all of the following shortcodes: All outputs result in displaying nothing other than the referring affiliates username. Please help me figure this issue out. Thank you!

  • Problem when I activated Affiliates Permanent

    Hello, I’ve been using the below shortcode for the week but it particialy stopped working after I installed affiliates permanent. My website has affiliate links to other products, I’ve been using the above shortcode to credit the referring affiliate with any sales made using these affiliate links. Example: http://clickbank.com/product/affid= This worked fine before I installed…

  • Affiliates Extra Fields, howto add therms without plugin

    Affiliates Extra Fields provided a shortcode to point to a post. How to add terms in version 2.8 and let the user view/tick the agreesment.(required)

  • Shortcode [aff_permanent_count]

    Antonio created a very useful shortcode so the affiliates can keep track of how many customers are linked to their affiliate account (using affiliates permanent plugin). The code is here: http://eggemplo.com/blog/aff_permanent_count-shortcode/ I’ve added this in function.php and while it works and shows the variable I also get an warning / error at the top of…

  • Visitors/Hits shortcode in affiliate area

    Hi, I wonder which shortcode I shall use in the affiliate area so the affiliates can see how many have click on the add for the affiliate? I get only they once who have both the product. Thanks, anweb

  • affiliates_earnings shortcode month translation

    Hi, Is there a way to translate the months in the table that affiliates_earnings shortcode outputs (January, February…)? I couldn’t find any months to translate in .po files. I’m using Affiliates Enterprise ver 2.7.1.

  • Affiliate Referrer name short code

    Hi, i have been asked to post into the forum for help, i have recently asked what the shortcode is so when an affiliate logs in they can see the name of the person that referred them. I do have a team page using the tier shortcode that lists from affiliate going downline, but no…

  • Problem with [referrer_id] not working

    I am using a recently purchased Affiliates Enterprise. I have even reinstalled it beofore posting this request for support. I want to use referrer id to create a custom link from each page. My problem is this… the doesn’t work correctly. The page is http://www.ecig.xxx/ – And you are welcome to become an affiliate or…

  • Seeing and printing the Downline

    Hi I have installed the Affiliate Enterprise and seem to be having a problem finding where I can print out an affiliates complete down-line. First were can I find each affiliates down-line and second how can I print this information out? Best regards Gunther

  • function Get_Groups


    Hi, I couldn’t find the correct groups topic, so I’ll post it here. Is there a function like get_pages($args) ? I need : – an array of all the groups created on the site – an array of all the users related to a group I’m looking through your API pages : http://api.itthinx.com/groups/ but I…
