Tag: shortcode

  • critical error with shortcode

    Using the shortcode or one with an attribute causes a critical error when updating the page. Error details refer to the following: An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 388 of the file /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/subdomain.mydomain.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-coupons-countdown/lib/views/class-woocommerce-coupons-countdown-shortcodes.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_cart() on null in /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/subdomain.mydomain.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-coupons-countdown/lib/views/class-woocommerce-coupons-countdown-shortcodes.php:388 Please advise.

  • Do not approve

    I resolved the issue.

  • Groups Hook for Shortcodes

    Is there a way to hook into the existing groups shortcode and edit how the “locked content” description looks? I know that there is a template modification example with the 2020 template to show only an excerpt, but on the site we are using the plugin we want the author to be able to use…

  • [affiliates_url] shortcode not working

    Hi, I just installed the Affiliates plugin. I added one of my users as an affiliate then added the following shortcode to a fornt-end page : When I log in with that user account and check the front-end page, nothing shows. It’s blank. I’m not sure what am I doing worng.

  • programatically create group from template

    Is there a way to allow a registered user to create a group with defined capabilities? when my clients register and create their own pages, they need to be able to

  • Shortcode groups_member

    Hi there. It would be great if you included the shortcode below in the next update. The group_member shortcode unfortunately only makes an “or” comparison and returns true if the user is in one of the groups listed. The attached member_in_all_groups shortcode only outputs the content if the user is in all groups in the…

  • Where I should copy the shortcode?

    Basically I´d like to know where short codes should be adjusted. Thanks

  • Banner code not showing

    I’ve installed the shortcode for the affiliate dashboard. While everything seems to display fine, the code area is blank so there is nothing to copy to the clipboard.

  • A Shortcode to show only the paypal email

    hello, i’m looking for a shortcode to put in affiliate-area that will show only the paypal email atribute. i found this code on the forum: – it dose the job but not quite, because its shows not only the paypal email but the first name, last name and user email – and on the affiliate…

  • Shortcodes for notification e-mail

    Hi, I use WooCommerce and have Affiliate Pro integrated with it. When I design notification e-mail in Affiliates > Notifications : Referrals, I would like to inform affiliate about order details, such as order number, affiliate amount they receive, etc. Do you provide shortcode for such the parameters? Where can I find the full list…

  • Affiliate Registration Notifications (to Affiliates)

    I am using Ninja Forms for my affiliate registrations, and using Affiliate Pro to send the notification email. From the documentation, it looks like these are the only tokens/shortcodes that can be used in this email? [site_title] [site_url] [site_login_url] [username] [password] [user_id] [blogname] I am trying make it more of a “Welcome Email”, and include…

  • Referral Notifications To Administrator

    Hi, I would like to include more information in my notification emails sent to the Administrator. When a referral registers using an affiliate link, I would like to include in the Admin Notification Email the Affiliate Phone Number and Company Name on file. (provided when an affiliate registers) As of right now I can only…

  • Display Referrals in Affiliate Area

    Hi, I would like to be able to display all of the referrals that an affiliate has generated in their Affiliate Area. So when an affiliate logs in to the AA, they can see all of the names and statuses of their referrals. Basically the same way I can see this info on the backend.…
