Tag: product

  • Some of our WooCommerce Products are being hidden to guest users

    From the conversation started here … Hi Kento, Still trying to track down this bug. Even with the filter commented out we’re still seeing issues with products being hidden from search/category pages. Here are the steps I’ve taken: 1. Go to /lib/extra/class-groups-extra.php, add a comment to line 35 to disable the visiblity filter. 2. Go to…

  • Dividing Affiliate Totals by Product


    Hi, is there any way to determine how much of an affiliate’s total payout is for a specific product purchase? I am paying royalties to some people one of the 14 books I sell and need some way to determine how much is being paid to affiliates. thank you Lyle

  • Multi-tiered commission with Affiliate Product

    Hi guys, So we’re using Affiliate WooCommerce, Affiliate Products and Affiliate Enterprise. We have Affiliate A with someone in his team, Affiliate B. We have an affiliate product that gives a commission of 15% to Affiliate B. Affiliate WooCommerce gives a 10% commission for every products. Affiliate Enterprise provides a commission for the affiliates lvl1…

  • Referral Rate by Product

    I initally configured my Affiliates Pro to have a percentage rate only for certain products. The products tab has disappeared from my products now and I am not sure how to correct this and require some assistance. It seemed to disable by itself some time ago, possibly when an upgrade happened. I would also like…

  • How to setup referral amounts on products ( woocommerce ) for different levels.

    Hello I have a question, did not seem to find a answer in the forums or documentation. How to setup referral amounts on products ( woocommerce ) for different levels. I want to setup 4 affiliate levels each with different referral amounts per individual products. So level one, product one $3.00 Level two, product one,…

  • Hide public products from wholesalers

    I have a list of products that are only available to wholesalers. There are similar items available to the public and I want to hide these items from the wholesalers to avoid any confusion. I can easily hide products for wholesalers from public view I just want to do the opposite and was wondering if…

  • Commission per cent won’t save [duplicate] [resolved]

    our payout for a $32 product is $5, which is a .15625 multiple. In Settings I chose Referral Rate and entered .15625. When I save, it reverts to .15, which shows less than $5 commission for our affiliates. I also went to the product page and entered .15625. When I save, it also reverts to…

  • Affiliate Levels and Applicable Products

    It is not obvious from your documentation how or if this can be accomplished. After purchasing Pro for WordPress, I am even more confused. Please advise: I want General Affiliates to have 5% commission on everything(Hardware + Subscription services. I want Silver Partners to have 10% on Hardware, and 25% on subscriptions. I want Gold…

  • Affiliates by Username / Affiliates Products


    I’m truly sorry for all of the questions I’ve asked as I am in no way familiar with any of this web stuff. I downloaded the ‘Affiliates by Username’ Plugin, but I’m not sure how to change the URL’s to include my reps’ usernames in their personal links. I have no earthly idea what a…
