Tag: #paypal

  • Affiliates pro and Paypal

    I review all steps: 1-Carefully read the information about all settings on this page and adjust them adequately. 2-Make sure to fill in the primary email address of your PayPal account below on this page under PayPal. 3-Sign in to your PayPal account and in your account Profile’s My Selling Tools, enable Instant Payment Notifications…

  • Affiliate Paypal Payment Standard -plugin update issue


    Hi, I have installed Affiliate Paypal Payment Standard and there is indication that plugin update ( 2.0.1 ) is available, but i am unable to update the plugin. my current version of Affiliate Pro is 3.0.0 , Affiliate Paypal Payment Standard is 1.2.2. WP version 4.8.1 . I am able to up update Affiliate Pro…

  • Registration form extra fields

    Hi I want to capture my affiliates PayPal email addresses on the registration form. Is it possible to capture affiliates PayPal email addresses on the registration form and the entry updates the Affiliate Attributes ID for PayPal email so that I can use the mass payment export. Is it as simple as paypal_email as a…

  • How to pay affiliates?

    1) Where do we read about how to pay affiliates? 2) The only payment option I see is paypal email. Is this done automatically with payments into their paypal accounts? if so.. when? 1x per month, 1x per week, min amount? 3) And with that 2nd question…. why do they not fill out their paypal…

  • Paypal Info

    On the affiliate area page.. I don’t see a place for affiliates to add their paypal email address… How is that done?

  • Anything for receipt capabilities?

    Hi, I am almost done setting up groups PayPal/subscriptions. One small issue, our client needs the transactions to include a receipt, preferably automated by email. Do you guys have anything like this as an addon? It would need data from WordPress’ user_info() and the shortcodes you’re already using in your plugin, does something like this…

  • Subscribe button not redirecting to PayPal

    Hi, Apart from my button not disappearing, I basically have the same issue as this post: https://www.itthinx.com/topic/subscription-page-not-redirecting-to-paypal-website/ However that post is closed for replies and does not contain the answer. Looking through some of these support topics they seem to end in email solutions. May I suggest a contact form or to please include the…

  • Home Made PayPal subscriptions

    Hi, we have purchased Affiliates Enterprise, but are having a hard time getting it setup in a meaningful manner with an existing PayPal subscription mechanism we have developed using PayPal’s web API. Specifically: — Is there a way to capture an existing / historic PayPal subscription via the IPN notifications and manually assigned it to…
