Tag: multisite

  • Intigration with woocommerce on multisite

    Hi, I have a multisite and have purchaesd affilaites pro, affilaites MS and have installed the auto update plugin. I have nominated my base site within Affilaites MS – but cant get hold of the woocommerce pligin for pro. Your site asks you to install the plugin from the settings-> integration tab. However, this is…

  • Manually add user to group on multisite

    Hello, I discovered that in a WP multi-site installation, I can add a user to a group manually through their dashboard-profile page only on the main site. I do not have this option in the dashboard-profile pages of the sub-sites. Can this be fixed? Please let me know. Thanks, Asaf

  • Add Group to All Sites on Multi-Site


    I’m using Gravity Forms for User Registration & assign Group on the main site of a multisite. I’m using “Multisite User Management” to add the new user to all the sites. How can I make the Group be assigned across the entire network instead of just 1 site?

  • Enterprise and MS setup

    I am running Aff. Ent. on a networked set of sites. Affiliates.domainname has the AffEnt running, WooCommerce, and WooCommerce Integration. This is the same site that hosts the shop. I have two other sites that I want to have AffMS feed to affiliates.domainname — domainname and subnet.domainname. I have installed AffMS on all three sites,…

  • Affiliates MS plugin question

    Hi… I’ve purchased Enterprise and a few other plugins, including Affiliates MS. I have a question and need for clarification. First, this is what I would like to have happen: 1. Base website is a Network install. I have multiple websites under the Base. 2. My Base website is where my affiliate program is located…
