Tag: multi-tier

  • Affiliates Enterprise, Groups – Multi Tier Rates

    Hi there. Having a problem with Affiliates Enterprise and Groups. I have set up 6 different groups and each of them has different commission rates at different levels. If a member of group 6 (6 levels with different commissions) has a user in his level who is himself in another bonus group, the member with…

  • 3 mlm plan with affiliate enterprise + with groups

    Hello! I want a simple, unilevel, “natur” MLM but I want the commissions to be different for the 3 main groups what I created with your free groups plugin: Basic, Advanced, Professional with gradually more commissions. So I want a FREE plan = Basic = “Registered” group, and 2 paid plans what can be bought…

  • Professional Setup of Plugin

    Hi Team We are OK at building and hosting our own sites, however the whole world of Affiliates is new to us. Is the Itthinx team able to setup our Affiliate system for us? If not, can you recommend anyone? This would be a paid service. cheers guys Michael Pitt

  • Multi-Tier Invites


    Hey guys, Thanks for the great plugin. I was recently tasked to incorporate a multi-tiered affiliate system to our site, and upgraded to enterprise for this. I have tried searching, but cannot find documentation on how one affiliate invites another. is it just an affiliate link to the affiliate page? If so, is there an…
