Tag: groups

  • Assigning a capability to Guests

    I was wondering if there is a way to allow Guests to access certain capabilities (that I’m using to restrict content access).

  • Add Group to All Sites on Multi-Site


    I’m using Gravity Forms for User Registration & assign Group on the main site of a multisite. I’m using “Multisite User Management” to add the new user to all the sites. How can I make the Group be assigned across the entire network instead of just 1 site?

  • Toggle Buy Button by Group

    I have a membership site using Groups and Groups For Woocommerce. Is there a way to hide the Buy Now / Add to Cart button on a per product basis if a user is in certain Groups?

  • WooCommerce sell courses By Linking Product – Variable Products


    My courses are setup as variable products with different prices. I need to assign the group to a product so it will assign the right restrictions but it only gives me the option of selecting one variable and not all 4. I don’t want to create separate courses for each product variable so I am…

  • Allow auto-referrals for Certain Group


    I realized I need to add “allow auto-referrals” but have it apply only to 1 Group. Auto-Referrals can not apply to the other group to have the commissions record properly. Can you shed some light on how I might go about having this developed?

  • Groups Paypal Sandbox Testing


    Hi, I am in the final testing of our site. Thank you to Antonio and George for all the help. I am testing using PayPal Sandbox. The transaction goes through fine, the purchase redirects to my Thank you page, and the user is added to the right group (as viewed in Groups Subscription). 2 things:…

  • Manually add a subscription


    Hi, can I take a user, add a subscription and set an expiration date? i.e. User Mark Cuban registers and wants to have a free 3 month subscription. Can I create this subscription manually and have it expire in 3 months? When Mark looks at his user profile, he sees the subscription and the correct…

  • Enforce read access on WooCommerce Categories via Parent/Child heirarchy inheritance

    Hi Guys, I’m running WooCommerce with Groups & Groups Restrict Categories. I have many streams of Product Categories (each with many children Product Categories) and I would like to set the read access ‘capabilities’ to a parent Product Category, and have the same capabilities automatically inherited by the children Product Categories of the parent Product…

  • Subscription menu not showing up in admin panel

    Hi ! I just purchased Groups Paypal, installed, that and subscriptions, activated everything, but subscription menu doesnt show up in the admin menu. So I cannot add any susbscription. When I clic on the subscription links in the paypal menu, i got an error message “alors on triche ?”, which is a message you get…

  • Sidebar post excerpt and image not displaying

    Hi Guys, I recently purchased groups for categories as well as using the groups plugin. I’ve restricted access to posts (for non subscribed users) however on the home page I have a sidebar with a post excerpt and image, if I apply the group_read_post as my capability to the group that is then assigned to…

  • Assign to Affiliate during Import


    Can you assign these new users to a certain affiliate during the import? I need to import lists of about 25 user to assign to a certain User as an Affiliate. Can you possibly assign an entire Group to 1 Affiliate? Ex: All users in group “Team” are an affiliate of “League”

  • Making Post Excerpts Visible

    Hello, I’m using Groups, Groups WooCommerce, Groups 404 Redirect and Groups Restrict Categories to restrict access to posts for members only. However, I’d like to be able to display the post excerpt (Divi theme) of protected posts for non-members. Is this possible? Thank you in advance.

  • Different Group Tiered Percentages


    Player (1st) = 20% Team (2nd tier)= 10% Team (1st tier) = 30% (currently using Groups for different commission rate) Player will NOT have a 2nd tier Player can CHOOSE their Team (2nd tier) or at least for them to see who their Team is. Display commissions Player contributed to Team (Example: I sold $200…

  • Groups front end user list

    I would like to be able to create a page (which I can restrict to certain groups) where users can search for a user by surname and first name and see a list of users, or if that isn’t possible show a list by last name of all members of a given group. I’d like…
