Tag: groups

  • Itthinx groups plugin – wp/php/sql compatibility

    We have been long-time users of the Ithinx Groups plugin and have always relied on its legacy functionality. Our setup was as follows: Ithinx Groups Plugin: Version 2.16.2 PHP: Version 7.4 WordPress: Version 6.0.2 Recently, we undertook an upgrade of both WordPress and PHP, as well as the plugin, to the following versions: Ithinx Groups…

  • Group does not Validate at Login


    Hello, I need assistance with Groups. Groups doesn’t not seem to validate at each user login. For example: User ‘JOHN’ logs-in and see his permitted products A and B, then User JANE log-ins and only see her permitted product A and not product C as permitted. Upon our testing. Jane was able to see product…

  • How to I add an affiliate to a Group?

    I have created some Rates for different Groups. How do I now assign users to a particular Group? I may want to move them from one Group to another in the future. Many thanks

  • Delete groups plugin Groups Gravity Forms

    How can the DELETE option from a group be configured? Is there an option to delete a group when filling out and sending the form?

  • Import Groups (not users)

    Greetings! I find the combination of Groups and Groups Restrict Categories(procured today) a great win for our project. Many thanks. We have a use case that is not solved by the add-on Groups Import/Export – we are a non-profit and we have several geographies that need to have their own ring fence (Groups). These are…

  • Groups breaks page access

    Hello! I had messaged on WordPress.org forums about this issue, trying to get some help. We’ve been using this plugin to restrict page access for a few years now. Recently, some users are not able to access a certain page. The page content disappears even if I remove any group restrictions as a test. The…

  • Some of our WooCommerce Products are being hidden to guest users

    From the conversation started here … Hi Kento, Still trying to track down this bug. Even with the filter commented out we’re still seeing issues with products being hidden from search/category pages. Here are the steps I’ve taken: 1. Go to /lib/extra/class-groups-extra.php, add a comment to line 35 to disable the visiblity filter. 2. Go to…

  • Group Pluging Error

    Getting this error on our site: E_ERROR was caused in line 240 of the file /home/scudde7/public_html/dev/wp-content/plugins/groups/lib/access/class-groups-access-meta-boxes.php. Error message: Uncaught TypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, string given in /home/scudde7/public_html/dev/wp-content/plugins/groups/lib/access/class-groups-access-meta-boxes.php:240 Stack trace: #0 /home/scudde7/public_html/dev/wp-content/plugins/groups/lib/access/class-groups-access-meta-boxes.php(240): in_array(‘9’, ”) #1 /home/scudde7/public_html/dev/wp-admin/includes/template.php(1409): Groups_Access_Meta_Boxes::groups(Object(WP_Post), Array) #2 /home/scudde7/public_html/dev/wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php(681): do_meta_boxes(Object(WP_Screen), ‘side’, Object(WP_Post)) #3 /home/scudde7/public_html/dev/wp-admin/post-new.php(75): require(‘/home/scudde7/p…’) #4 {main} thrown

  • Notification for file downloads

    I am testing the Notification for file downloads. This is not exactly what I want, but would allow me to understand how many of our users are downloading files. However when I enter break html tags in the “Notification email message” (body) they are removed when I save the configuration. Is this working for anyone?…

  • Do not approve

    I resolved the issue.

  • Group membership and custom capabilities

    Hi, Should custom capabilities that are added to a group be automatically assigned to a user profile if they are added to that group? We have a Woo store that adds customers to a group if they purchase a membership. A successful purchase does add the user to the appropriate group (this part works), but…

  • Groups Hook for Shortcodes

    Is there a way to hook into the existing groups shortcode and edit how the “locked content” description looks? I know that there is a template modification example with the 2020 template to show only an excerpt, but on the site we are using the plugin we want the author to be able to use…

  • Groups paypal – existing license support

    Hi – We noticed your announcement: “Groups PayPal – This product has been discontinued. Support is provided to existing license holders but cannot be renewed”. We have built a robust platform based on “Groups PayPal” extension, and we do not want to switch to anything “Woo Commerce” related. Since “Groups PayPal” runs our subscription payments,…

  • Define user email for new imported users

    Hello, I just bought Import/Export extension, so I am new to Import/Export Groups. I need help in creating the mail which is sent to new imported users. I found the API with the filters ‘groups_import_export_new_user_registration_subject’ and ‘groups_import_export_new_user_registration_message’ Is there an example to find, how to add the filters to my functions.php in my child theme?…
