Tag: cookie

  • Ref-link with more parameters & sublink?

    Dear Itthinx-Team, I have got a Login-Page, where I want to redirect the REF-Links to. This URL has got more than one parameter like: https://leaderclub.network/login/?affiliates=19&action=register But it doesn’t seem to work, as no affiliates-cookie is set. Other normal links, like: https://leaderclub.network/?affiliates=19 do work and should be left working. How can I achieve this? Thank you…

  • Read out ref-cookie?

    Hi George, first of all, I again want to thank you for your last help. It brought me to the right track. Now I got another challenge, for which I need some hints: I want to read out the referring affiliate name to my custom login/registering form of my site. I checked the cookies, which…

  • Still working with Apples Intelligent Tracking Prevention

    Got a lot of content about the new cookie-blockings of Apple in Safari. And more browers will follow. How is itthinx is reacting to get the affiliates pro still working? Are there any updates or is the problem still solved? Found this: https://support.qualityunit.com/969743-Apples-Intelligent-Tracking-Prevention-20-and-Post-Affiliate-Pro

  • Different hold-duration for cookie for affiliate-id

    How is it possible to have a different cookie-hold-time for each affiliate-partner. Mostly it’s the same time – lets say 30 days – but sometimes a switch to “just the browser-time until closing” is important. Any idea or a plugin-extension for this?

  • Cookie settings


    I have been asked by a potential affiliate how long the cookie lasts. I use Affiliates Pro. What do I tell her?

  • Cookie-Lifetime for every affiliate partner individually

    Is there a possibility to do this for each affiliate for its own. Actually we have to situation that we should have 30 days for a new affiliate but we have 14 days as standard.

  • Affiliates not always getting credit for referrals

    My affiliates get credit for their referrals but sometimes it goes to me (direct) when it should go to them. Is this because the person who clicked their link doesn’t have their cookies turned on? What other reasons could there be? Right now I have about 75% success with the correct person getting the referral.
