Tag: category

  • restrictions not applied to unlogged

    Hello, I have a shop with many products, i did a restriction for 2 logged groups based on 2 tags : group 1 see both tags group 2 see only tag 1 But when i do that, unlogged users because they don’t own to the first and 2nd group don’t see anything. How can i…

  • Multiple groups, same post

    Hello, I bought the category protect plugin. When I set a post private for a certain Group, it works. When I set it private for 2 groups, it will only be visible for one group… Any solution? Best regards, Filip

  • Page & Post with same slugs

    for some reason when I restrict the Category. I have a category “Reading” with a slug “reading” I have a page called “Reading” with the same slug If I restrict the category “Reading” to certain groups and go to the PAGE Reading It gives me a “Page not found” if you’re not in that group.…

  • Categories Problem

    Hi, when I affect only one category to a post, all world perfectly, BUT when I affect 2 or more categories on one post, nothing appear with the subscription. Is there anything to do to allow to display the informations ? Example : Package 1 permit to have an access to Category 1 Package 2…

  • Acces denied to some new pages

    Hi I bought and implmented the Restricted Categories plugin. Even though the restriction is only for posts associeted with some categories, users get denied access to some new pages. Is there something I need to do to in the settings make sure a new page is not restricted? Thanks

  • Affiliate Levels and Applicable Products

    It is not obvious from your documentation how or if this can be accomplished. After purchasing Pro for WordPress, I am even more confused. Please advise: I want General Affiliates to have 5% commission on everything(Hardware + Subscription services. I want Silver Partners to have 10% on Hardware, and 25% on subscriptions. I want Gold…
