Tag: categories

  • 404 Redirect don’t work on categories

    Hi, I installed the Groups 404 Redirect next to the Groups Redirect Categories and it isn’t redirecting to the new page I setup once I enter a blocked category, it still shows the original 404 message. On the other side this does works on the posts. I already checked the “Redirect restricted categories, tags and…

  • Posting content to permitted categories

    Hi, Is there a way using the Groups plugin and the Restrict Categories addon to enable all users of a certain group to be able to publish posts (publish_posts capability) to certain categories but only to edit posts (edit_posts capability) to other categories? For example, lets say a user belongs to a group called Members.…

  • How to hide widget in parent category only

    I have a WooCommerce store with a category structure as follows: Accessories Accessories-Signage Accessories-General Accessories-Landscape I want to hide the sidebar on the parent Accessories category page, but still have it visible for the child sub-categories. I’ve read the documentation, tried every documented example, but still can’t get it to work. Any pointers would be…

  • Group restrict multiple categories?

    Hi, Is it possible to group restrict multiple categories at once? I have a shop (WooCommerce) that has 200+ product categories (with subcategories), that needs to be group restricted, but having to go through every single of them one my and giving access right is a pain. I Do gave one “big” upper class category,…

  • Categories and redirects

    Bought this just now, in the hope that it would solve a groups 404 redirect issue. I was the person who originally suggested the 404 redirects ! It doesn’t work on my site now. I have disables and deleted everything and started again, not fixed, though it did delete all posts with a groups restriction.…

  • Groups Restrict Categories invalid taxonomy bug

    Hey, I’ve noticed that I’ve been having problems with groups restrict categories since enabling DEBUG_DISPLAY to test a plugin. I thought it may have been the plugin I was testing however I noticed that after I disabled all plugins except Groups & Groups Restrict Categories, and changed my theme to 2015 then I would still…

  • Sidebar post excerpt and image not displaying

    Hi Guys, I recently purchased groups for categories as well as using the groups plugin. I’ve restricted access to posts (for non subscribed users) however on the home page I have a sidebar with a post excerpt and image, if I apply the group_read_post as my capability to the group that is then assigned to…

  • Categories Problem

    Hi, when I affect only one category to a post, all world perfectly, BUT when I affect 2 or more categories on one post, nothing appear with the subscription. Is there anything to do to allow to display the informations ? Example : Package 1 permit to have an access to Category 1 Package 2…

  • Combined with 404 – having troubles

    Hey, So I have both your “restrict categories” plugin, and the “404 redirect” plugin. However I am having trouble in using both of these in tandem. I’ve made sure that “Redirect restricted categories, tags and taxonomy terms …” is selected on the settings page, but I’m still not getting much luck. I’ve managed to find…

  • Affiliates Pro and Categories

    I have a couple of questions… We would like to use Affiliates Pro for a program we’re running with partners. Is there a way to allow leads brought in by certain affiliates to only apply to specific categories? Or do you suggest the purchase of Affiliate Products in order to do this? Additionally, we have…
