Tag: bug

  • Is this a Bug?

    On the settings page for this plugin in the “Delete Data” section the first option in the list looks like this. Delete plugin data when the plugin is deleted? The word “deleted” is showing the strong element instead of rendering it. Refer line 324 of /wp-content/plugins/groups-file-access/lib/admin/class-groups-file-access-admin.php

  • Deprecated: contextual_help

    Hello, I would like to turn your attention to a deprecation warning showing up since WordPress 5.4 that is flooding the error.log and is visible in the admin. We’re hoping that you can fix this in the upcoming release. Culprit is add_action(‘contextual_help’, …) within affiliates-pro/lib/core Thank you and best regards.

  • Commission set to 10% but commission showing as 100%

    So I am having a number of problems with my recently purchased affiliate pro plugin. These are as follows: 1. In screenshot 1 and 2, I have assigned two affiliates a 10% commission each for every purchase of a given product, in this case Scot Johnston will make 10% on a 715 gold language course…

  • Affiliates are not able to add their paypal email to receive payment

    Hi, I used the shortcode . It only shows blank box next to PayPal email, and my affiliates are not able to add or edit their PayPal email there. I made sure it is double quoted and used this code in editor. Our affiliates would think we are tricking them without letting them enter their…

  • Deleting capability assigned to product category deletes all restrictions

    To recreate: 1. Assign two different capability restrictions to different product categories. 2. Delete one capability. 3. Every product category restriction is wiped, not just the capability that was deleted.

  • Groups Restrict Categories invalid taxonomy bug

    Hey, I’ve noticed that I’ve been having problems with groups restrict categories since enabling DEBUG_DISPLAY to test a plugin. I thought it may have been the plugin I was testing however I noticed that after I disabled all plugins except Groups & Groups Restrict Categories, and changed my theme to 2015 then I would still…
