Tag: affiliate

  • Tiers Rates & Wholesale price

    Hey I need to have a 7.5% & 2.5% commission for the tier rates. Right now, when I use 0.075 it erases the 5 at the end and only uses the 0.075, is there a way to change this to actually have the discount. Also, is there a way that the commission can be taken…

  • No installation key or setting for Affiliate user

    I have bought the Affiliate users extension but can not ind any email for installation as was promised, no code no download no nothing. Please help

  • No “Affiliate” User Role

    Hello, I would like to know if your Affiliate User Role” plugin adds a user role called “Affiliate” and how can I set it. I have the plugin connected and I don’t see the role of “Affiliate”. I would like it to do that because I would also like to assign that role more benefits.

  • Updating affiliate information glitch

    Hi guys, Trying to streamline a bit user accounts and affiliate accounts. When you update the affiliate e-mail. The page refreshes and says “Saved”, however the e-mail field still displays the old value. You have to refresh the page another time to display the right data. This is a bit confusing. It only happens with…

  • Payment Gateway based on Affiliate


    I know this is obviously outside the functionality of the plugin, but trying to figure out how to have it developed. I need to have a certain payment gateway be used depending upon the Affiliate who is referring the user. The company I’m working for currently has a system where they can choose the “sales…

  • Auto-referral Doesn’t Work

    Hi there, We have enabled the option “Allow auto-referrals” and when we generate an affiliate link to a product and use that same link to purchase the product, we expected a commission to be calculated for the affiliate, but it doesn’t. Would there be another setting somewhere that could prevent the commission from being applied?…

  • jQuery Error

    Hi there, We recently have a jQuery error that crashes the entire “My-Account” page, the problem goes away when we deactivate Affiliate Enterprise. We have not altered any core files. I was editing the page with Visual Composer when I noticed a few things were wrong with the page. It seems to be related to…

  • WP Recaptcha is Not Working on Affiliate Registration Page

    Hello itthinx Staff, The affiliate registration page is not showing my recaptcha plugin that displays on every form except this one. Am I doing something wrong? https://mommasgoodys.com/affiliate-program/ Thank you,

  • Email confirmation of manually added affiliates + affiliate url in admin

    Hi Antonio, I have 4 questions: 1. When I manually add a new affiliate, nothing happens. No email confirmation is being sent to the new affiliate to activate their account. 2. When I look at my WooCommerce / WordPress users, the added affiliates are not shown either. Is this normal? 3. Also I find it…

  • Multi level registration at checkout

    Is this plugin and if not does not anyone have info where to go since no one seems to know: I want to be able to have 3 levels of membership/affiliate- retail(customer) just the normal checkout out, then Green Member ( they get a price discount and reflects using the dynamic plugin and page role)…

  • How do I redirect to bookmark when registration form submit errors occur?

    On our affiliate registration solicitation page, I use Divi module bookmarks to scroll down to the form. If the user completes the form and hits [Sign Up], the page refreshes to the top of the page where the confirmation message or form error message(s) are below the fold. Is there a way, without redesigning this…

  • Affiliates Not Tracking Mobile Clicks

    Hey guys, I posted previously a topic called “Affiliate Link Not Properly Recording Visits/Hits” and asked why there was such a difference in total visits/hits reporting compared to our link shortening reports and facebook click reports. ie) we promoted a post with a shortened link with our affiliate code in the url and facebook reported…

  • unable to install woocommerce integration

    When I want to install the woocommerce integration with the button in settings, I get the following error: An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WordPress.org or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums. I have installed Itthinx Updates but it doesn’t seem to solve the…

  • affilate url is not linking sales in woocommerce

    With the plugin we’ve added a few affiliates which set a certain url (ex. ?partners=1).Per affiliate we’ve set an attribute of a referral rate of 10%. When this url is entered the customer is logged as a visitor but the actual sale isn’t linked to the affiliate. We can see the affiliate cookie is set,…
