Zero amount in commissions


For a few days I have a problem with commissions, that appears at zero for all orders and affiliates. Before it works very well so I don’t understand what happen.

I have the free plugin groups and premium plugin groups woocommerce.

I have one formula for one group and another one for a second group.

Could you please help me to solve this problem ?

Thank you.



One response to “Zero amount in commissions”

  1. Hi Vânia,

    Welcome back to our support forum.

    There are various reasons why you could have a zero commission on a referred sale and especially since you use a formula, it is quite possible that the formula calculation result is zero.

    I would recommend you to first add a generic rate and then make a test referral using an affiliate link who is not a member of a group. Does the result match your rate settings?
    If the result is correct then check your formula calculations to eliminate the option that a commission other than zero should be generated. For this test you should follow a similar use case like the one that resulted in zero commission.

    Kind regards,
