You have got to unlock the downloads for affiliate enterprise customers

On your site you have used your own content limiting codes from groups to get you in a bit of trouble. I’m assuming that groups was used as the mech to lock down content and force affiliate pro to be purchased before downloading the plugins from the site. Well you have forgotten to add the enterprise customer group or add them. If you have purchased the enterprise package you can’t download the plugins.I can’t get them to unload to my site so at this point so I am officially stuck. Please help deliver these plugins to me either by fixing your site or sending them to me directly.


One response to “You have got to unlock the downloads for affiliate enterprise customers”

  1. antonio Avatar

    Hi John,
    Affiliates Pro and Enterprise includes a lot of integrations that you can install from Affiliates->Settings:Integrations.
    Please be sure that you have installed the Itthinx Updates plugin and the service key set.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
