Wunderslider Not showing advance arrows

I can’t get the arrows to display to advance images.
Slideshow autoplays but can’t advance images manually

Could this be jquery conflict or problem with jquery version on this page:



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14 responses to “Wunderslider Not showing advance arrows”

  1. journal Avatar

    One more question. My photos seem to sometimes crop when they fill the image frame, ie cutting off people’s heads.
    What setting do I need to change to cause that not to happen or do i just need to crop my original photos all to the same width or depth of the wunderslider?

    1. WS adjusts the images so that the whole pane is filled for all that are displayed. The idea behind it is to avoid ugly stripes when a picture does not have the same ratio as the container it is displayed in. When you mix portrait and landscape images, the main point of attraction in some pictures can get cut off, as happens in some of your images with people’s heads.

      Cropping your images to a common ratio will help to avoid that, as long as that ratio is similar to the slider’s – keep in mind that it will always crop a bit if the ratios of an image displayed and the slider are different.

  2. journal Avatar

    Wunderslider is working great now. The problem for the defaults was a conflict between my theme and the FLICKA default.


    It would be nice to have a support page with more examples for gallery shortcodes


  3. journal Avatar

    Or could it be permissions or security on my server? I will check my logs.

  4. journal Avatar

    I put it on a site that doesn’t having caching.


    Defaults work fine, but it won’t show at all and the WunderSlider CSS is missing if I override the defaults and select a theme.

    Could a path be wrong in the plugin for the css?

  5. journal Avatar


    Can I force it into full screen mode covering up all other content with 100 opacity with a shortcode?

  6. journal Avatar

    Working on clearing the cache on CDN for the stylesheets. Thanks for your patience. When I hardedcoded the default styles things changed (I got the arrows).

    1. Great 🙂

  7. Ok thanks, the shortcodes look ok but the WunderSlider CSS is missing. A wunderslider-min.css should be among the stylesheets loaded but it isn’t … I think it could be caching again, can you update the stylesheets that are loaded for the site?

  8. journal Avatar

    here are the shortcodes i am using:
    [gallery container_width="80%" height="360px" ids="193274,185174"]

    [wunderslider_nggallery id=”1″]

    [gallery ids="193274,185174,167677,167676,165571,164880,159694,140489"]


    [gallery wunderslider="false" ids="193274,185174,167677,167676,165571,164880,159694,140489"]

    1. Thanks but I’ve tried that link before and it gives me a 404 … if you can see it, I probably can’t because the cached version of the page hasn’t been updated?

  9. It could be because of the jQuery version used (looks like your theme is using 1.5.2 on the site). Can you please post a link to a page where the WunderSlider is being used right now to have a quick look?
