Woocommerce>Affiliates Repeated

In the Affiliates section of my products, the defined rates are repeated. I am using 25 levels (24 + 1 no level defined) and the same information is repeated below the 25th level. I am baffled as to why. When I set up a new product with the same level structure, it starts off with the 1st product listed and then lists the second product levels as it is supposed to.


3 responses to “Woocommerce>Affiliates Repeated”

  1. George Avatar

    Hey Warren,

    I’m glad this case is resolved and if further assistance is needed once you complete your tests, you are more than welcome to follow-up on this thread or start a new one.

    Kind regards,

  2. Warren Grantham Avatar
    Warren Grantham

    Hi George. The problem has been fixed. I think (but am not certain) that my problem was caused by adding Term instead of leaving it blank. I went into woocommerce and deleted the category that I was assigning to Term. It is no longer repeated. I cannot be totally certain that that was the cause because I did not check my woocommerce affiliate page before proceeding…rookie mistake, I know. Anyhow, it seems to be doing just fine now. I will have to continue testing to make certain all of the commissions are being added correctly. Thanks.

  3. George Avatar

    Hi Warren,

    Welcome back to our support forum and many thanks for being a loyal customer of Affiliates Enterprise.

    Are you referring to the Affiliates section found under the Product data panel while editing a product? If this is how you are setting and using rates per product for each tiered commission level, then I would recommend you to have a look at the Commissions description we keep in the plugin documentation and then using the Migration tools provided in Affiliates > Settings > Commissions (tab), generate rates for your existing commission rules. Since version 3.0.0 of the plugin we introduced Rates found under Affiliates > Rates and would encourage you to migrate to this system.

    If this is not your case then I think it would be better to have a look at a staging clone as admin and inspect your issue on-site. For this it would be also useful if you enable WP debugging and make sure that your debug.log file is accessible through its direct link.

    For further information, you are more than welcome to follow-up on this thread.

    Kind regards,

