Woocommerce recurring referrals: limit / timeout needs more flexibility


Hi itthinx-team!

In the WooCommerce add-on for itthinx Affiliates Enterprise you offer to set a limit / timeout for recurring referrals. To my understanding this should work well if you have products that have the same subscription interval like weekly or monthly.

But how about a mixture of subscription products / subscription product variations, each with a different renewal intervals?

Example scenario:
Subscription product 1 with variation 1 = 1 year subscription period
Subscription product 1 with variation 2 = 2 year year subscription period
Subscription product 1 with variation 3 = 3 year year subscription period
Subscription product 2 with monthly subscription period

Such a scenario can’t be entirely handled by that setting “limit / timeout” in the WooCommerce add-on. To get this done, one would need to set the “limit / timeout” inside the rate for the corresponding variation / product. As you only offer to set a global parameter “limit/timeout” which is the same for all variations / subscription products, this seems not to work in this example scenario.

My recommendation to improve this is to move the “limit / timeout” parameter from the WooCommerce add-ons settings page into the rates section of Affiliates Enterprise.

Thanks for correcting me if I understood this wrong or adding this to your feature request list.



One response to “Woocommerce recurring referrals: limit / timeout needs more flexibility”

  1. Hi Kai,

    Many thanks for choosing Affiliates Enterprise for your affiliate program.

    You are correct to understand that there is only one global setting for recurring referrals timeout. The timeout setting is actually not totally related to the subscription interval, but more to the amount of recurring referrals you wish to grant. Obviously this setting doesn’t cover your case where there are big intervals and a big difference between each subscription type.

    We always collect customer feedback and as a matter of fact I will mark this topic as a feature request for one of the upcoming updates.

    Kind regards,
