WooCommerce integration issue

Hey guys!

We have some issue with WooCommerce integration when affiliates are working only with global rate.

Each product has dropdown menu Product data http://joxi.ru/p27vvYyU0NVzwm
When we select Variable product -> go to Affiliates tab http://joxi.ru/v29ooY8HGpbozr -> and set product rate – it isn’t working. The product use only global rate. Even if we set there 0.99. It just ignore this product rate.

When we select Bookable product http://joxi.ru/MAjZZ5acvkypRA – everything works as it has to.

So the question is how to solve this problem. Can you help us?

Thanks a lot!

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3 responses to “WooCommerce integration issue”

  1. Maksym Avatar

    Hi Antonio!

    A collegue of mine (Ivan Monastyrny) has sent you email with access to our dashboard.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Thanks Maksym,
      Answered by email.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. antonio Avatar

    Hi Maksym,
    Sorry, I can not recreatre this issue.
    Please check:
    – if you have enabled the ‘Enable product referral rates’ option and the default value setted from Affiliates->Woocomemrce Integration
    – From Affiliates->Settings:Commissions, ‘Referral Amount Method’ and ‘Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rates’ as value.
    If the problem persists, please check if you have installed the latest versions. Also you can send me dashboard admin access to antonio[at]itthinx[dot]com indicating this topic and I’ll take a look at your settings.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
