Woocommerce integration

I have upgraded to Affiliates Pro, I can not find or get the woo commerce integration I need to be able to set rates for specific products and categories. when I click on Integration, Object, and Term there is nothing but a tick and it does nothing.

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4 responses to “Woocommerce integration”

  1. George Avatar

    Sorry to hear that.

    I think it’s better to have a closer look at your installation. Would it be possible for you to send me temp admin credentials to george at itthinx dot com alongside with your license key? I’ll review your settings, adjust Itthinx Updates plugin and install the integration for you.

    Kind regards,

  2. Stephen May Avatar
    Stephen May

    That’s the thing, I can not find the Itthinx Updates Plugin anywhere

  3. George Avatar

    Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for upgrading.
    In case you were using WooCommerce integration light, you need to deactivate/delete it and then install the WooCommerce integration through Affiliates > Settings, Integrations tab. You have access to all the integrations offered with Affiliates Pro once you install Itthinx Updates plugin which is responsible for your license and updates notifications for products bought at itthinx.com.

    Kind regards,

    1. Stephen May Avatar
      Stephen May

      I found the update plugin and uploaded it, pasted the service key. It does not work, it keeps saying to install and activate, which I have done. and your link to this plug in comes up blank
