Widget Controls Pro and Groups

I can’t figure out how to do a simple task:

SHOW a widget when the user is not logged in and/or doesn’t belong to a specific group (ex: Premium)

When the user logs in in and is subscribed to the specified group, then the widget does NOT SHOW.

Please help! I bought the Pro plugin mainly for this purpose.


13 responses to “Widget Controls Pro and Groups”

  1. Stefano Avatar

    Thanks SOO much!

  2. George Avatar

    Hi Stefano,

    I’m glad you resolved it. 🙂
    Even a tiny typo can mess things up.

    Regarding your last question, once you restrict the page on the Registered group, the page won’t be visible to guests.


  3. Stefano Avatar

    In your opinion, what is the best way to control a menu item? I have a page listed in the menu that I want to appear ONLY if user is logged in.

  4. Stefano Avatar


    I was misspelling the name of the Group

    Hats off to Itthinx for putting up with an amateur but passionate website builder like me!

    Everything working as intended now 🙂

    Ciao.. Stefano

  5. Stefano Avatar

    Widget setting: Show only on these pages – [group:Premium]
    Sidebar setting: Show on all pages

    Premium Group Member (logged but not admin): NOT SEE (desired result)

    Premium Group Member (logged but ALSO admin): NOT SEE (desired result)

    Guest user (not logged): NOT SEE (undesired result)


    Widget setting: Show on all except these pages – [group:Premium]
    Sidebar setting: Show on all pages

    Premium Group Member (logged but not admin): SEE (undesired result)

    Premium Group Member (logged but ALSO admin): SEE (undesired result)

    Guest user (not logged): SEE (desired result)

    IDEA: do I need to create 2 identical widgets with different settings? Is that how this is supposed to work?


  6. Stefano Avatar

    I’ve discovered that its easy to confuse the widget settings with the sidebar settings… they look the same and in my case one is superimposing the other on the page… I have check my trials now and make sure I didn’t screw things up.

  7. Stefano Avatar

    Now I’m testing with these settings: Show only on these pages – [group:Premium]

    The result is:

    Premium Group Member (logged but not admin): NOT SEE (desired result)

    Premium Group Member (logged but ALSO admin): NOT SEE (desired result)

    Guest user (not logged): NOT SEE (undesired result)

    I need to have the Guest User SEE the widget.

  8. Stefano Avatar

    thanks for your patience! I love Groups and am glad to have help when I need it.

    I created a user who is a Premium user but NOT AN ADMIN.

    The result is that he continues to see the widget that has be set as: “Show on all except these pages” – [group:Premium]

    That would be the correct way to set it up, right?

  9. George Avatar

    Seems that we don’t get the same results.
    What results do you get:
    When a Premium member is logged in and when not logged in?
    When you log in as administrator that is not a member of Premium group?

    The ! is the negation or logical NOT.

    Also, please enable debugging in case there is an error noted and please check once more in case there is a typo mistake.


  10. Stefano Avatar

    OK, thats how to SHOW when logged in as Premium user.

    I have some widgets that I only want to SHOW to NON LOGGED and NON PREMIUM users, in fact HIDING the widget from those who are Premium users. For example, a widget that reads “Want to get access to our premium content posts?” See, that should disappear once a customer has purchased Premium membership, and will be replaced by those Category widgets that are protected by Groups functionality.

    In the notes you mention using a “!” to reverse the functionality. I tried this without results however.

  11. George Avatar

    You are welcome Stefano. 🙂
    My suggestion does exactly this. Try visiting your site as a guest and then login as a subscriber.
    If you are logged in as an administrator, the widget would normally display.
    In case you want to include other user roles for example administrators, then you should also add the condition: [role:administrator].
    So now the settings for the widget should be to Show on all except these pages and under Conditions you should have:

    Finally, please have a look on your plugins versions, in case you need to update. Current version for Groups is 2.2.0 and for Widgets Control Pro is 1.5.0.


  12. Stefano Avatar

    Thanks George.

    But how do I do the reverse?

    SHOW widget to non-members and
    NOT SHOW widget to members

    much appreciated!

  13. George Avatar

    Hi Stefano,

    Go to your Widgets page and for the chosen widget check the option Show on all except these pages and under conditions add this: [group:Premium].
    The chosen widget will be visible on all pages except for users of the Premium group.

    Kind Regards,
