Where to update my subscription email

Please update my subscription email address to match my account email address – (removed as requested)

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6 responses to “Where to update my subscription email”

  1. Thanks…will be awesome if you can delete shown email addresses from public view. thanks

  2. Thanks but please check this http://prntscr.com/lzwl6a

    1. Thanks for that, it seems you were subscribed to the plugin page. I’ve removed that one for you, any notifications related to orders etc. will come to the one on your account as configured under https://www.itthinx.com/my-account/edit-account/ – if you wish to change that one, please use the link at your convenience.


  3. Hendra Trisnayadi Avatar
    Hendra Trisnayadi

    Hi, you can update your email account in your account setting “My Account > Account details” here the link:


    Kind Regards,

    1. thanks …if this is “public” forum, please delete my email address. Also, the email address in My Account is okay. but forum responses are sent to a different email address.

      1. Hi Debo,

        The only active email address used is the one related to your account. You can change it if required as Hendra has suggested under the link mentioned.

