Where I should copy the shortcode?

Basically I´d like to know where short codes should be adjusted.



10 responses to “Where I should copy the shortcode?”

  1. Hey Ramiro,

    I’ve just sent you the necessary template file on the email address you used here during checkout.


  2. Hi Ramiro,

    I will prepare the template for you and let you know once this is ready.


    1. Ramiro Montesinos Avatar
      Ramiro Montesinos

      Great George, really apreciatte your help


  3. Ramiro Montesinos Avatar
    Ramiro Montesinos

    Hopefully well done George!!

  4. Hi Ramiro,

    You should edit the Dashboard template for this. FYI, the Affiliates Dashboard is based on templates, which can be overridden and modified at will, but this requires working knowledge of PHP.
    FYI, I will have a look at the template and modify the necessary file for you but in the meantime please have a look here and prepare the folder structure in your server installation.

    Kind regards,

    1. Ramiro Montesinos Avatar
      Ramiro Montesinos

      Done George!!

      Following the instructions, Hopefully well done…

    2. Ramiro Montesinos Avatar
      Ramiro Montesinos

      Hi George!! any news?? I´ve the folders ready, can you help me?? I´m in a hurry…

      Thanks a lot

  5. Ramiro Montesinos Avatar
    Ramiro Montesinos

    I added to the “affliliate area” page the shortcode [affiliates_by_username][affiliates_url][/affiliates_by_username], and I got this:


    The username link is outside the dashboard, I need some help to move it and put it inside the dashboard, so the question is,
    Can I add the url link by username inside the affiliate dashboard? Can I changing the ID url link for the USERNAME url link?
    or maybe have both url links inside the dashboard?

    I really need your help I´m not good with code

  6. Ramiro Montesinos Avatar
    Ramiro Montesinos

    I´m doing something wrog…

    If my url is https://mycoerver.es/ how I should wrap the shortcodes?

    Thank you

  7. Hi Ramiro,

    Thanks for using our plugins.

    The shortcodes should be placed in a page. Once you add a new page you can add the shortcode and when you visit the page in the front-end, it will render its output.

    Kind regards,
