where do i “wrap” the [affiliates_by_username] shortcode

im sorry but i really struggle with the documentation from these plugins i am new to wordpress and do not understand half the infomation. im sure im not the only one who required step by step noddy guides? can someone please help me and advide where i place the shortcodes to actually get this working?

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5 responses to “where do i “wrap” the [affiliates_by_username] shortcode”

  1. no its all directed to home ? how can i change this as its starting to get my affiliates backs up. i dont understand why when we use the username link is goes to a blog page but when we use the id it takes you to home i thought these were ment to be the same thing?

    1. Hi Laura, this topic is a duplicate of http://www.itthinx.com/topic/where-do-i-wrap-the-affiliates_by_username-shortcode/ where George will continue to help you.

  2. Hi antonio i have already do that is this an established page this issue is now the direction where the affiliate by username lands a user currently to the blog not the home page

    1. antonio Avatar

      maybe you have set the blog page as front page in “Front page displays” in Settings->Reading.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  3. antonio Avatar

    Hi Laura,
    in Affiliates->Settings:Pages you have a button to create an affiliate-area page.
    Then, you can modify this page and use the shortcodes if you need them.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
