What is “normal affiliate referral process”?

Hi guys,

Sorry if this seems like a silly question but what exactly is the normal affiliate referral process, besides a check box in Affiliates Permanent? Trying to figure out if I should check this or not and my vast searches haven’t turned up anything.


One response to “What is “normal affiliate referral process”?”

  1. Hi Grady,

    The normal process would be someone clicking an affiliate’s link and some time thereafter making a purchase. The affiliate system recognizes that the sale was referred by an affiliate , computes the commission and records this as a referral.

    If that same customer is later referred by another affiliate, that other affiliate will get a commission instead of the first one. Also there is a period of time during which the referrals would be granted after the customer has visited the affiliate link. Beyond that time, the affiliate wouldn’t get a commission (although that period of time can be made quite long).

    With Affiliates Permanent, once a customer has been referred by an affiliate, the affiliate always gets a commission on any purchase that the customer makes.

    I hope that helps you understand how this works better 🙂

