What about pword for manually creating affiliates?

I created some affiliates manually, I’m not sure how to log them in. I have their username, but no pword. Does this not create an account manually for them so they can see their stats? I’m confused.

Also 2nd question is can I just hide Username field and just have email as username field as well? I don’t want email and username so I just hid the username field on the partner-area page and only displaying the Email address field acting as their user name. Is this okay?

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3 responses to “What about pword for manually creating affiliates?”

  1. antonio Avatar

    Hi Dustin,
    When you add a new affiliate manually from Affiliates->Manage Affiliates, you can associate this affiliate to a wordpress user using the username field. So if you nned to change/set the password, you can do it from the WordPress Users section.
    You can have affiliates who are WordPress user, and affiliates who are not associated to a WordPress user (this affiliate can not access to the affiliate-area page).
    Related with the username registration, yes, you can hide this field, and the affiliates will use their email to login, as in WordPress.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.

    1. Dustin Avatar

      So if I want to force them to create a username/pword on inside of wordpress manually I would need to just create a user inside wp for their account and set a pword so they can have access to the affiliate area correct? I mean I would think everyone wants to see their own stats right?

      1. antonio Avatar

        Yes, If they have a WP account and an affiliate associated to this account, then they can see their stats from the affiliate-area page.
        If you go to create the accounts manually, you can do it from the dashboard. But if they go to create the accounts, they can do it from the affiliate-area page (that use the [affiliates_registration] shortcode).
        Kind Regards,
        Antonio B.
