want to affect commission rate and commission amount decimal places


Need a tip on how to control decimal places shown on shortcode which show commission rate and commission amount.

Currently, it shows 6 decimal places like 100.000000 want it to be 100.00 .

Please advise.



5 responses to “want to affect commission rate and commission amount decimal places”

  1. Antonio,

    Your tip on fixing the decimal places in Manage Affiliates is working.

    The affiliate woo commerce orders shortcode shows referral amount still shows 6 decimal places. How do we affect this part?

    Thanks for your assistance.


    1. Hi,
      There are some shortcodes that can not be limited to decimals, we have it pending for the following updates.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. Hi Antonio,

    I am also using affiliates_affiliate_profile short code by which showing referral Amount and referral Rate. These values is what I want to affect.

    On Woocommerce setup, if you mean the settings for Currency Decimal , it is set to 2. Which is showing 2 decimal places for product amount.


    1. Hi Sudd,
      Using this shortcode, I can not replicate this issue. Please check if editing the affiliate from Affiliates->Manager Affiliates, you can see the field with two or six decimals.
      If the problem persists, please send me dashboard admin access to antonio[at]itthinx[dot]com indicating this topic, and I’ll have a look at your settings.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  3. Hi Sudd,
    I suppose you’re using the [ affiliates_woocommerce_orders ] shortcode. This uses the get_woocommerce_price_format() function, so the format is based on the woocommerce decimals (you can set this in Woocommerce->Settings)
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
