Visualization User List for group

Good morning,
we have purchased the “group restrict categories” plugin to be combined with woocommerce.
We would need to create a page that displays the groups to which the user belongs with the list of all users associated with that group. With the possibility to display the profile for each user by click and consequently the order history.

By consulting the documentation we have managed only to extrapolate the groups with their users, is there the possibility to add the link to the order history?


13 responses to “Visualization User List for group”

  1. eossipov Avatar

    Ok, so this is an updated plugin now. ( new commit, 6 hours ago )

    thank you much Hendra, you’ve been very helpful!!

    1. Hendra Trisnayadi Avatar
      Hendra Trisnayadi

      Hi Eossipov

      Yes, that’s a new updated.
      Thank you very much

      Kind Regards,

  2. Hendra Trisnayadi Avatar
    Hendra Trisnayadi

    Hi Eossipov,

    Can you please recheck email that your send, because we not yet received your email.
    our email is ” help [at] itthinx [dot] com”, Thank you

    Kind regards,

    1. Hendra Trisnayadi Avatar
      Hendra Trisnayadi

      Hi Eossipov,

      Now you can see the list of member groups name in your page

      I Use this shortcode [group_list group_id=2] and the plugin name is Group List User Show, make sure you fill in User First name and User Last name in user settings.

      to let you know, you can download the plugin here :

      If you have another question, just let me know. Thank you

      Kind regards,

  3. eossipov Avatar

    Here is the post where you will find the test:

  4. eossipov Avatar

    Ok, the email is sent – programmatically from creating the account for you.

    it should come from Puget Sound Viking Network

    thank you hendra.

  5. eossipov Avatar

    and where would I send this information?

    1. Hendra Trisnayadi Avatar
      Hendra Trisnayadi

      Hi, Eossipov

      You can send to our email help [at] itthinx [dot] com

      Kind regards,

  6. Hendra Trisnayadi Avatar
    Hendra Trisnayadi

    Hi, eossipov,

    Yes, that’s correct URL, we already try that and working, this shortcode ‘[group_members group_id=2]’, ‘2’ is the id of your group.
    If you still have this issue, can you please send me your website URL and send your website credential to me can access your dashboard, send to help at itthinx dot com, so I can check what the problem and make sure will run properly. Thank you

    Kind regard,

  7. eossipov Avatar

    Are you sure that’s the correct URL?

    the short code given is not working, and the plugin looks awfully familiar, and named the same as the previous one you told me to delete.

    [groups_user_groups] is working

    [group_members group_id=2] is not.

    pls advise 🙂

  8. Hendra Trisnayadi Avatar
    Hendra Trisnayadi

    Sorry if we make you confused about that, I think that plugin is no longer update, please uninstall that.
    We modified new custom plugin shortcode to show the list of users in a group, please download, install and activated this plugin :

    Use this shortcode [group_members group_id=2], this shortcode will show the list of users based on group id.
    Thank you

    Kind Regards,

  9. eossipov Avatar

    I just downloaded and installed

    The [groups_user_groups] is working fine on a post, but a list of current members of the group is not working.

    [groups_users_list_group:2] and


    [groups_users_list_group]group name

    None of the above variations are working.

    Pls advise.

  10. Hendra Trisnayadi Avatar
    Hendra Trisnayadi


    Thank you for asking, In your current approach, do you use a shortcode or have you implemented a partial solution based on the API? if you use shortcode, you can do with add the shortcode [groups_user_groups] in a page and it will display the groups where the current user belongs to.
    also you can use this free plugin :

    to display a list of groups and the members of each group, download, install and activated the plugin, you will be able to use the shortcode [groups_users_list_group] on a page to display that info, this shortcode will display the users for a given group by id.

    Regarding the option to display the orders for each member of a given group, you need to implement a custom plugin, perhaps by modifying the aforementioned plugin and by utilizing wc_get_orders( $args ) you can also get the related orders. I haven’t tried it myself but if you are not familiar with coding, I’ll be happy to further assist you on this.

    Kind regards,
