Varying affiliate commissions


Hello and thanks for your help.
I would like to vary each affiliate commission on a per basis. I have search topics and also looked in documentation. Can I do this and where in docs is this detailed ?
Also I have installed plugin “Affiliates Custom Method – If Coupons” by eggemplo. I want to vary commissions as above but also have commissions drop down to 10% across all affiliates if a coupon is used. Will the plugin still do that if I have varying commissions. ( (.php code) ” public static $default_rate = 0.25; public static $if_coupon_rate = 0.10;)

Thanks for your help. I hope you have a positive answer for me…(:>
Kind Regards


3 responses to “Varying affiliate commissions”

  1. Hi Antonio. Thanks for your reply.

    1. I want to vary each affiliate commissions. A =25%. B =35% C =50%…..where do I do this in the plugin.

    2. And if a coupon is used – will the “custom method -if coupon used” .php script work if the affiliates are different % as above.

    Thanks. Ann

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi ann,
      I have updated the if_coupon custom method. Now if you have set a custom rate to an affiliate (editing the affiliate from Affiliates->Manage Affiliates), then this custom rate is used if a coupon is not used.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. antonio Avatar

    Hi Ann,
    Sorry I don’t understand you. If you are using the custom method ‘if-coupons’ and you want to increase commissions, you simply have to change the $default_rate variable.
    Please give me an example.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
