Variable referral rate per product/productcategory


I would like to set different rates per product/productcategory

– Product A will give a commission of 10%
– product B will give a commission of 10 euro
– product B will give a commission of 25%

As far as I can see I can only set one rate, for all products and all affiliates…

Is this possible and, if so: how?


One response to “Variable referral rate per product/productcategory”

  1. Hi Hans,
    sure, you need to enable “Enable product referral rates” in Affiliates->Woocommerce Integration and set a default rate.
    Then choose Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rates in Affiliates->Settings:Commissions
    After that, you can set custom rates on categories/products pages.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
