Using Bitcoin payments and affiliate commissions

If I use a Bitcoin payment gateway plugin into Woocommerce like this one –
which allows customers to pay in Bitcoin, will the Affiliates Enterprise system still track the commission payable to the referring affiliate?
And if so, in what currency will it show the affiliates commission?
In our sites default currency USD, or the way the customer paid, in this case Bitcoin?

My preference would be to show the affiliates both amounts that they have earned, in the shops default currency (USD) and then also showing the amount in what the customer paid – in this case Bitcoin. Is this possible to display like this?

And if Bitcoin won’t work like this for affiliate commissions in the current version, are you able to enable it to work?


3 responses to “Using Bitcoin payments and affiliate commissions”

  1. Barnaby Avatar

    1. I do not understand, what does this mean? “You could create coupons with the referrals closed as payment.”
    How do coupons work with affiliates?

    2. Bitcoin is just another type of currency. My Woocomerce store currently uses Singapore Dollars (SGD) and USD.
    And with the SGD it is showing in the affiliates earnings in that currency, if the customer was charged in that currency, which is what often happens.
    So, I’m wondering if this same process would work with Bitcoin?
    Could a customer pay with Bitcoin (I know, nothing to do with the Affiliates plugin) but would the Affiliates plugin record the % commission of the bitcoin amount, and allocate it to the affiliate?
    In theory it should, I’m asking if it works in practice?

    Thank you

    1. Hi Barnaby,

      I think what Antonio is trying to say is that you could pay your affiliates issuing coupons based on the totals, but from what you’ve asked this is not what you want.

      If you use a payment gateway such as BitPay and the corresponding gateway integration with WooCommerce, you would see the corresponding referrals in the same currency as their orders as usual. When you produce the totals, these would be shown in their currency (Bitcoins or whatever). So I don’t see any problem with using it here, please give it a try.

      You should use the affiliates_supported_currencies filter to add the currency ID used for Bitcoins, the filter is documented here:

      If you need any further help with this or how to implement the filter, please let us know.


  2. antonio Avatar

    Hi Barnaby,
    Remember that Affiliates doesn’t process the payments. You could create coupons with the referrals closed as payment.
    The referral currency is based on the order currency using the ‘get_order_currency’ Woocommerce function. Really I don’t know how bitpay works.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
