Urgent: Product vanishes when set in multiple categories

Hi, im in desperate need of some advice: Im using Woocommerce, Groups and Groups Restrict Categories.

In short: I have two user groups ( group A and group B) with members (user A and user B). I would like create a product that is shown for both user groups with different product categories

Problem: When I set a product in two product categories, product dissapears from User A and user B, the cannot see the product in the shop anymore. But when I set the product to show only in the one category that the user restricted to, product shows up.

Is there a way to make one product visible for two different user groups and categories – without having to make two identical products?

I would really appreciate a quick reply – thanks!

PS. Thanks for the awesome plugin!!!

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3 responses to “Urgent: Product vanishes when set in multiple categories”

  1. George Avatar

    You are welcome Repro and thanks for the drawing.

    This happens because even if a Group A user has access to product category 1.1, he doesn’t have access to product category 1.2. The opposite applies for a Group B user.

    The solution would be to either create duplicate products for both categories, as you already tried, or put product X under Product category 1 only and not the sub-categories.
    Your other option would be to create another category ie Product category 1.3, restricted to Groups A and B, and add there all the products that are meant to be visible by both groups.


  2. George Avatar

    Hi Repro,

    You can do this if you set a third group, Group C where User A and User B will be members. Then you can restrict both categories to Group C only.

    Hope it helps.


    1. Repro Avatar

      Hi George,

      Thank you so much for the quick reply! Unfortunatelly that doesn´t seem to do the trick – or perhaps my brief explanation was misleading. Problem is like this;

      Users and Groups:

      I have a user group tree with sublevels. Group 0 is the “main” level, levels Group A and Group B are above that.
      I have created user A and user B. User A belongs into Group B and user B into Group B.

      Product Categories:

      I have a product category, Product Category 1, which is set (Groups Restrict Visibility) for both groups A and B.
      Product Category 1 as two sub-categories, Product Category 1.1 and Product Category 1.2

      Now, when I create a product, lets say Product X, and set it´s categories to Product Category 1.1 and Product Category 1.2 – it dissapears from both users A and B.

      I´ve set the product visibility to be Read for those two groups, Group A and Group B, and also tried with not setting any visibility restrictions (Anyone), but no luck!

      If I create individual producs for both Product Categories, and set them up, they work fine.

      Is there something that im missing?

      Could you please also view my quick drawing on the matter? Link above:

