Update failed

Hi, I’m using you Affiliate pro plugin v.4.16, with WordPress 6.0.3.
I’ve the correct service key in Plugins > Itthinx Updates, but when I try to update your plugin, it fail.
What is the issue?


3 responses to “Update failed”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Massimiliano,

    Please have a look at the main Support area that you visited when trying to submit your support topic.
    Also, this is clearly mentioned in the Term & Conditions page that apply for our site:

    Furthermore, when viewing the checkout you cannot place an order if you haven’t accepted the Terms & Conditions that apply for this website.

    Kind regards,

  2. Massimiliano Longo Avatar
    Massimiliano Longo

    Hi George,
    I have bought your plugin because there is absolutely NO mention about 1 year license.
    You only ask about “Licence type” as 1 site or more and, again, in each part of your web site where is the plugin description, and also during order process there are no mentions about what you wrote to me.
    Also today is the same, as you can see in attached screen shot….. ops there is no “upload file” right now.
    At the end, nor in the order confirmation, I have had by email, there are end of licence validity date.
    Now what we do?

  3. George Avatar

    Hi Massimiliano,

    As it seems your license for Affiliates Pro has expired since December 2022.
    In order to be able to update to the latest version, you need to re-buy the plugin which will auto-renew your license for one year more.

    Kind regards,
