Unobfuscated Code


We want to do some custom development that isn’t possible with solely the API. Our developer requested the unobfuscated code to be able to proceed.

Please send it to my email address.



5 responses to “Unobfuscated Code”

  1. Alexandre Avatar

    Hi Antonio,

    Thanks for the follow-up. Would it still be possible to get the full code to understand how everything works and to develop custom solutions for #1, 3 and 4 ?


    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Alexandre,
      Sorry, not all code is open. With open classes and api you should have enough.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. Alexandre Avatar

    Hi Antonio,

    Here is the stuff we want to build on top of AE:

    1) Affiliate approval: Instead of directly creating an affiliate immediately, I want the affiliate to go into pending status.

    In the affiliate view (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=affiliates-admin-affiliates), add a column with title “Approved”. Shows the following:

    – Pending: [Link to gravity form submission] – [Approve] / [Deny]
    – Approved: [Link to gravity form submission]

    The Approve button creates the affiliate. The Deny button removes all records of this affiliate.

    2) MLM commission structure: Base: Base commission on direct sales only.

    Bronze: Must have 10 direct sub-affiliates. Receives base commission on direct sales and 80% of sub-affiliate commissions.

    Silver: Must have 20 direct sub-affiliates. Receives base commission on direct sales, 80% of sub-affiliate commissions, and 60% of sub-sub-affiliate commissions.

    Gold: Must have 30 direct sub-affiliates. Receives base commission on direct sales, 80% of sub-affiliate commissions, 60% of sub-sub-affiliate commissions, and 40% of sub-sub-sub-affiliate commissions.

    Titanium: Must have 40 direct sub-affiliates. Receives base commission on direct sales, 100% of sub-affiliate commissions, 80% of sub-sub-affiliate commissions, and 60% of sub-sub-sub-affiliate commissions.

    To maintain one’s level, X $ of direct commissions must be generated the last 6 months. Otherwise it is downgraded to the lower level and so on. If no commissions are generated in a 12-month period, the affiliate account is disabled.

    3) PDF invoices: When generating mass payment files here (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=affiliates-admin-totals) I also want to generate PDF invoices from the affiliate to our company for each payment, for bookkeeping purposes. These should be available on both administrator and customer side.

    4) Lead Generation: When launching products we often use lead generation forms on other domains. I want any leads submitted on such forms to be linked to the affiliate that generated the lead such that they receive commission for any sale within 6 months of lead submission.

    Let me know how this would be possible with the API.


    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Alexandre,
      1.- We are working on this new affiliates status. Sorry I can not give you a date for this yet.
      2.- Maybe creating a new custom method you could do it.
      3.- You need to create your own solution. Maybe class-affiliates-totals.php can help you as reference.
      4.- It seems relating to Affiliates Permanent. To track from other domains, you can use pixel tracking.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  3. antonio Avatar

    Hi Alexandre,
    It’s not recommended to modify the code. You can use the API and/or the hooks to create your custom solution. If you need help, we’ll happy to help you.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
