Unable to intall woocommerce integration

When I click to install, it tells me, “Plugin not found.”

This is becoming very frustrating. My affiliates system has not worked since we migrated to our new site and I have got no help from you guys…..

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One response to “Unable to intall woocommerce integration”

  1. Hi John,

    Apologies for your experience but it is pretty common to get that message when for example there are security restrictions on your site that prevent it from accessing and installing plugins from third-party sites.

    Despite that, you can still install Affiliates WooCommerce integration through the .zip file I just sent to your email address, the one you used here during checkout. This .zip file can be uploaded and installed as any other plugin.

    For further assistance with your Affiliates Pro setup, you are more than welcome to follow-up on this thread or start a new one.

    Kind regards,
