Unable to Install from Integration Tab in Setting

Purchased enterprise ver but plugin not found present once installed the integration plugins. some works but some refused.


3 responses to “Unable to Install from Integration Tab in Setting”

  1. Eugen Bleck Avatar
    Eugen Bleck

    Hi Suhaini,

    Thanks for the status update.

    I’ll go ahead and email you a copy of the Woocommerce Integration, then closely find out why this happening even after you input the license key.

    Warm regards,

  2. Suhaini Mohammad Avatar
    Suhaini Mohammad

    I have installed the Enterprise and Itthinx Update and manage to locate the license number. Unfortunately, when I go to Affiliate>Setting>Integration and chose woocommerce, then click Instal Button but No Plugin Found. Am in multisite environment.

  3. Eugen Bleck Avatar
    Eugen Bleck

    Hi Suhaini,

    I trust you are safe and well. Thanks for purchasing Affiliates Enterprise.

    I noticed you had another topic regarding your license key and Itthinx Updates. Please can you confirm that this is completely sorted?

    While waiting for your response, I wish you a great day ahead, and please do STAY SAFE!

    Warm regards,
