Tutorials “Examples on how to use Affiliates” for Affiliate members

I am using Affiliates Enterprise and would like to improve my new and existing members performance and use with Tips and Techniques on how to use Affiliates.

Topics might be

“How to use Affiliates on websites” (banners, pixels, etc)
“How to use Affiliates on social media” (links, campaigns, etc)
“How to use Affiliates with email marketing” (Composing email with tracking links, etc)

Do you have any resources with examples available to help new and existing members ?

Simple, clear and easy step by step “Tips and Techniques” would be very useful for our new and existing members. I am trying
to make it very easy for new sign-ups to take advantage of the power of Affiliates.

Thanks for your help



3 responses to “Tutorials “Examples on how to use Affiliates” for Affiliate members”

  1. You are welcome Matthew. 🙂

    You are right about that, but still if a user knows how to use emails, websites and social media for internet promotion and marketing, then the user is above average and definitely tech savvy.
    Besides that, all the available tools can be used with a simple copy-paste.
    Still though i can provide you with further information but surely the end user should have basic knowledge on computers.


  2. George,

    Thanks for the help. I like your documentation very much and have read through much of your information. Members however may not be as tech savvy. I was thinking more along the lines of step by step examples for “non-tech people. “Affiliates for Idiots”. Ideally I was hoping there were videos or short blog descriptions (with pictures ) to explain how to use each affiliate codes in the different media (email, websites, social, etc). The member dashboard can be a little intimidating for non-tech users.



  3. Hi Matthew,

    The best place to look for resources and how-tos would be the documentation of Affiliates Enterprise.
    In the documentation you can find details for integrations like Pixel Tracking and Banners.

    If you need further information beyond the documentation, you can ask here.

    Kind regards,
