Tiers Template

Hi guys!

Hopes everything is good with you?

I’ve been searching here in the forum about the tiers shortcode and I think that I talked with George about this before and he suggested something like expand/collapse via CSS. This is not optimal for us though we would like to style the render_tree with some flexbox/grid and js.

We have set tiers to unilevel which means that many of our affiliates has a super big downline and it doesn’t look so good with current 10 level deep.

Is there now way you can make this tiers shortcode to a template that can modified easy or why not create a plugin that we can buy like with extra feature for Tiers?

The plugin can include both advanced and basic shortcodes

I’m willing to pay for such a plugin every day of the week.

If this is not possible then maybe you can recommend a freelancer who you know can handle Affiliate Enterprise and can help me as my time is minimal at the moment.

Thanks in advance


4 responses to “Tiers Template”

  1. Hi Brandit,

    Sure no worries it’s a busy time for most of us.

    The filter hook callback function should return something and also I would recommend you to check what is already in the $output to figure out how you can modify it.
    In the meantime I’ll check for another alternative which you can use.

    Kind regards,

  2. Hi George!

    Thanks for your answer.
    I’m sorry for late reply but my schedule is overloaded at the moment

    So you mean that I can use affiliates_tiers_output like this?
    Haven’t even got time over to test it…

    add_filter('affiliates_tiers_output', function( $output ){

    echo '"' . $options['show_avatar'] . '';


    1. Hmm my div tags did seem to be added

      div class=”myclass “‘ . $options[‘show_avatar’] . ‘/div

  3. Hi Jonas,

    Welcome back to our support forum and Happy New Year!

    Apologies but I’m afraid that your previous topic doesn’t ring a bell, so I’m mentioning the options here again in case you wish to revise them. The [affiliates_tiers] shortcode includes the style attribute which you can use and provide additional styling rules to the output. Further modifications to the output can be also done directly using the filter hook affiliates_tiers_output. You can modify the output right before it is rendered so basically you can adjust it according to your needs. As for flexbox and JS both can be applied directly in the output you currently have, for example a container can use flexbox if you set a CSS rule like display: flex; and JS can be added if you map the element and add your own functions for it.

    Even though I wouldn’t reject the idea of a custom template for the shortcode output, this obviously would require additional implementation to be added to the plugin core. Please let me forward your request, but also make sure to check the aforementioned suggestions because IMHO opinion I think that you can adjust the output easily with the filter hook and then if necessary use flexbox styling rules.

    Kind regards,
