The shortcode affiliates_is_not_affiliate appears to be not working

I created a membership area. That automatically generated page. The problem is that when entering the site without being loggeado not take WordPress shortcode


Please log in to access the affiliate area.


Just he tells me I still have no sales.


10 responses to “The shortcode affiliates_is_not_affiliate appears to be not working”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Pedro,

    I’m glad you resolved it.


  2. Pedro Avatar

    Im sorry we has a problem on the template that made this issue happend, now its all right.

  3. Pedro Avatar

    Hi George, if I use permalink for access this page ( htaccess redirects me automatically to the sef URL. All my site works with SEF url I cannot disable.

  4. George Avatar

    Hi Pedro,

    Pretty URL should be automatically created for this page as well if you use a custom setting on permalinks.
    Try using the default permalink structure as i suspect that the problem is with the URL.


  5. Pedro Avatar

    I created the page again. I noticed that when you create the system does not automatically assign a friendly URL, I put them manually. Then I duplicated the page for all languages of the site, however I keep getting the same error, it seems that the plugin does not generate all the code for the page properly.

  6. George Avatar

    Hi Pedro,

    Thank you for the feedback.
    I visited your link and the page source doesn’t seem to load properly.
    Try to delete that page and then regenerate it again.
    Also, make sure that all the pages are set for all your languages and that you are visiting the proper page.
    Other than that, the plugin is working well and is activated?

    When you try this please let me know whether or not it is ok


  7. Pedro Avatar

    Im using last version of Afiliattes pro.

  8. Pedro Avatar

    Hi George, thanks for the help.

    Im currently using default code of default affiliates area page templates, like this:


    Please log in to access the affiliate area.


    If you are not an affiliate, you can join the affiliate program here:



    Welcome to your affiliate area. Here you can find information about your affiliate link and earnings.
    Affiliate Information
    Affiliate link
    Your affiliate URL:


    Use this code to embed your affiliate link:

    <a href="[affiliates_url]">Affiliate link</a>

    Tip: You should change the text Affiliate link to something more attractive.
    Total Earnings
    Commissions pending payment
    [affiliates_referrals show="total" status="accepted"]
    Commissions paid
    [affiliates_referrals show="total" status="closed"]
    Number of sales referred

    Accepted referrals pending payment: [affiliates_referrals status="accepted"]
    Referrals paid: [affiliates_referrals status="closed"]

    Monthly Earnings

    If you enter to the afiliates page on my site the page never says that you need to login.

  9. George Avatar

    Hi Pedro,

    Try using the closing shortcode [/affiliates_is_not_affiliate] after [affiliates_login_redirect]

    Kind regards,
