Testing to ensure proper tracking

Hey George,

A few weeks ago we had a conversation about a client’s affiliate program I’m trying to finalize.

You said:

“After two different test sessions that took place on your site, I have shown you that referrals can be properly recorded on your system, but still you haven’t mentioned how are you trying to test your forms. I think it’s most important to cover this matter first and then all the rest of them.”

I went back through all the Gravity Forms I’ve created on the site (there are 9 total) and made sure each of them has the referral settings in place for the $20 per referral amount (ie. https://paste.pics/9be36e39319a53a3eb5bc6a90aaeab11)

Then I created an affiliate link for affiliate #9: https://paste.pics/d61461ef52caa9545ce5ffc2ad4d6734

I went to an Incognito window to test the process as a visitor who is using this affiliate link I’d just created.

I filled out Form ID #3 completely as a regular visitor with that affiliate link for affiliate #9.

And it worked! https://paste.pics/7c4495424bfca5019c3dfacaf4c30394

Thanks for your help!


3 responses to “Testing to ensure proper tracking”

  1. You’re welcome Nate, we highly appreciate your feedback and permanently try to improve our services.


  2. Nate Moller Avatar
    Nate Moller

    Thank you again George. I really appreciate the support you provide and look forward to using this tool for other clients who want to grow their affiliate reach.

    Talk soon!

  3. Hey Nate,

    Yes I remember your case and I’m glad this is resolved.
    For further assistance on Affiliates plugin, you can start a new topic when needed. I will mark this topic as resolved.

