sigining up loging in

My website is up but members cant sign up its not letting them. What should do. i have brought the affiliate pro. the page where they sign up isnt letting them it just roll back to the same page


4 responses to “sigining up loging in”

  1. Crissy Avatar

    i see the problem is with signing up. When they try and login in t says login fail. Now when they sign up it says login empty

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Crissy,
      This topic talks about this problem, maybe MOJO Marketplace plugin is the problem. If you don’t have this plugin, you can try to disable unnecessary plugins and activating them one by one to find the possible problem.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. Crissy Avatar

    yes i have also tried that and its still doing the same thing. I even uninstall the affiliate pro and put the regular one and its still doing the same thing

  3. antonio Avatar

    Hi Crissy,
    please check this:
    1.- You have enabled the user registration from Settings->General
    2.- You have enabled the affiliates registration from Affiliates->Settings:Registration
    3.- You have created the affiliate-area page from Affiliates->Settings:Pages or using the shortcodes.
    If you give me an url, I’ll test it.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
