Sidebar post excerpt and image not displaying

Hi Guys,

I recently purchased groups for categories as well as using the groups plugin. I’ve restricted access to posts (for non subscribed users) however on the home page I have a sidebar with a post excerpt and image, if I apply the group_read_post as my capability to the group that is then assigned to that post, it doesn’t display. It removes the post excerpt and image completely. Ideally I was hoping that the sidebar would display and when a non subscribed user clicks on the post they will be notified of the restricted access.

Is this possible? Am I missing anything? Can you advise?




3 responses to “Sidebar post excerpt and image not displaying”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Aengus,

    I will forward your request to the developers.

    Kind regards,

  2. Aengus Avatar

    Thanks for your suggestion George but unfortunately I don’t think it will work for the site im creating.

    Would any of your developers be able to do some custom coding so the excerpts will display but the content still being protected (as described previously)? If so do you know how much it would cost?



  3. George Avatar

    Hi Aengus,

    Although that is an interesting feature, it is not supported, at least yet.
    However, if you use WordPress’s Text Widget, you can add the post/page title with a link to it( it also supports html) and also install Groups 404 Redirect for free. Then, you can redirect non-priviledged users to a page with info to register.

    Kind regards,
