Showing Custom Field/Meta Data from Woocommerce

Is it possible through a hook or filter to show custom meta from a woocommerce order on the affilate reports?

Cannot see any likely hooks/filters in the documentation….


5 responses to “Showing Custom Field/Meta Data from Woocommerce”

  1. The details that are exported atm include the referral data and the data you see if you choose to expand details for a referral, like order id, order total.

    In order to fetch the $data array obviously you need a hook and I will mark your topic as a Feature Request and check if it can be included in one of the future versions of the plugin.

    Kind regards,

  2. sguilliard Avatar

    I want to be able to export the order details too. At the moment, it’s only availble by drilling down on the order link to see this actual order and date. This data doesn’t get exported on the export button.

    I can see the array $data in affiliates-admin-referalls.php but cannot see any way of adding order information into this array so that it won’t get deleted/overwritten in future updates. That’s obvioulsy just the start of it…

  3. You’re welcome!

    Indeed this is for the affiliate area page, because for the admin reports you can see the data involved under Affiliates > Referrals or follow the order link and see the actual order and its data.

    Kind regards,

  4. sguilliard Avatar

    That worked a treat! Thanks!

    Any pointers on adding the same info into the admin reports? The hooks/filters all seem to be for the affialite area page?

  5. Hi Simon,

    I think that if you have a look at affiliates-stats-filters-order-details, you will find some useful ideas and a shortcode that you can add to your affiliates area page.
    This addon uses four filters of Affiliates Pro plugin to display details of your referrals and the description for these can be found in the documentation:





    Feel free to download the repo, modify the code at will and render order meta to your affiliates.

    Kind regards,
